Echeveria: Stunning Rosette Succulents

Echeverias form beautiful rosettes in a wide variety of shapes and colors. They are popular substitutes for wedding bouquets, and succulent arrangements.

‘Lola’ is a favorite succulent for a lot of people! She’s a really pretty light purple color and has a perfectly shaped rosette. Displays beautiful yellow, bell-shaped flowers in the spring. 

Echeveria ‘Lola’

The rosette of this succulent has a deep green to brown color. It is able to be grown indoors, although it will lose its color if it does not receive enough light. Watch for a red flower in fall or early winter.

Echeveria ‘Black Prince’

This is one of the most beautiful and easy to find succulents. It has a really nice purple-ish color along the edges. It grows well outside in container gardens.

Echeveria ‘Perle von Nurnberg’

This fast growing succulent has silvery leaves pointing upward like a lotus. When happily stressed, the tips turn pink. As it grows, it spreads out in a group of up to 20 different rosettes. Watch for white or grey-green flowers in the Spring. 

Echeveria ‘Violet Queen’

This Echeveria is one of the most easily recognizable of its species. The light-green rosette does well indoors when given enough light. It is often referred to as “hens and chicks,” not to be confused with Sempervivum. 

Echeveria elegans “Mexican Snowball”

This bushing Echeveria has green leaves with pink tips. Its leaves are covered in silver velvet, making it a favorite among collectors. Watch for bright orange flowers in the summer.

Echeveria harmsii “Plush Plant”

This succulent has grey-green, long leaves that grow outward and then curl back towards the stemless rosette. It grows very quickly, and is easy to propagate. Watch for orange and yellow flowers in the fall.

Echeveria runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’

This purple succulent grows a large rosette. Its triangle shaped leaves curl up. Watch for a yellowish-orange blossom.

Echeveria ‘Misty Lilac’

Tap the link below for more Echeveria species.

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