Fun Facts About Succulents You Probably Don’t Know

Succulents are one of the most popular plants these days, but they're often misunderstood, which results in some untimely plant deaths. Let's fix that. They aren't hard to grow, but you're more likely to find success growing these plants if you understand a little bit more about them.

Not all succulents are the same

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

Most people tend to think of succulents as beautiful, colorful rosette-shaped plants with thick leaves. There certainly are a lot of succulents that match this description, but succulents come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. You'll find a lot of diversity among this group of succulents from perfectly pretty to weird and unusual succulents.

Succulents Like Water

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

One of the reasons succulents have gained popularity in the last few years is due to their drought-tolerant qualities. However, people often take this to mean that succulents don't need very much water. In reality, succulents like to have their soil soaked completely but then dry out completely before watering again. So rather than give your succulents a few tablespoons of water every other day, they want a deep drink and then to be left alone for a while. Using the "Soak and Dry Method" of watering will help keep your succulents happy.

They're not great houseplants

Bonus Echeveria Sedum CrassulaPin
Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

It's not uncommon to see succulents in stylized photos where they're nowhere near a window. Often ads or tv spots make it look like succulents can thrive anywhere in your house. Sadly, that's not quite true. There are a number of succulents that can grow inside without additional help, but most succulents need a substantial amount of light to stay colorful and compact. This doesn't mean you can't grow succulents indoors, you absolutely can. It's just not as effortless as it might seem and not all succulents will grow easily indoors.

Succulents can grow in the snow

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

Now, before you leave all your succulents outside for the winter, keep in mind that not all succulents are cold hard. There's a large group of Sempervivum, Sedums, and cacti that will all grow in freezing climates (down to Zone 4) that get several inches of snow in the winter. Many of these varieties will actually change colors throughout the year and tend to be most vibrant and colorful when the temperatures drop to freezing or below.

Cactus are succulents

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

Cactus are a distinct group of plants on their own, but they're actually part of the succulent family. All cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti. It's not a surprise these prickly plants fit into the succulent family. They store a substantial amount of water in the body of the plant -- one of the characteristics of a succulent.

Succulents have flowers

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

The most commonly recognized succulents have a flower-like shape, but most succulents also produce a bloom. Some of them bloom each year while others flower only at the end of their life (these are called monocarpic succulents). Cacti have some of the most beautiful flowers, often resembling a rose with their delicate petals. Other succulents have small flowers on very long stems which many people don't find to be very attractive.

They're not all from the desert

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

Many succulents are native to temperate areas of South Africa. While they don't get super wet on a regular basis, they also aren't living in the Saharan desert. As such, many succulents have a hard time when the weather gets extreme -- either cold or hot. The "Goldilocks" principle really applies to succulents, not too hot and not too cold, everything needs to be just right. Most succulents wouldn't actually survive in a true desert climate.

Yes, Your Succulent Is Dying - Here's What To Do

rotting crassula falcata plant problems dyingPin
Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

There are a number of reasons your succulent might not be looking great. Find out how to tell what's wrong with your succulent and how you can fix it or prevent it from happening again.

Save Your Succulents With This Critical Watering Technique And Look Like A Pro

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

A big part of keeping succulents healthy is providing them with the right environment. You'll want to pay attention to the soil they're in, how much sunlight they're getting, and most importantly, how often you're watering them. The method and frequency of watering succulents are critical to preventing rot while encouraging lots of new growth.

What Succulent is Best for You?

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

There are thousands of succulent varieties and not all of them will grow well in your climate or may require more (or less) work that you want to put in. It's important to know how much light and water your succulent plants need to thrive so you can select the plant that's best suited for you.

Is Your State On The List? 18 States Where Succulents Can Grow Outside Year Round

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

Many people think of succulents as beautiful house plants but don't realize they can be grown outside year round in many parts of the United States. Not every succulent is suited for outdoor growing in every state so here's a list of states and some of the succulents you can expect to grow outside year round there.

The Worst Mistakes Beginners Make When Growing Succulents

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Photo Credit: Succulents and Sunshine.

Many people assume that they can take care of succulent plants however they want -- just treat them like normal house plants. The problem is succulents aren't like most other house plants. They have completely different watering needs and often need more sunlight and airflow than other plants. Find out what the most common succulent mistakes are and how to avoid them.

This article originally appeared on Succulents and Sunshine.