Bring All The Birds To Your Garden With These Stunning Flowers

One of the perks of having a beautiful yard is attracting lots of wildlife. Your garden friends don't have to be limited to insects and spiders. Choosing the right flowers can also attract beautiful birds of all kinds. If you're fond of fowl, you'll be delighted with the birds you attract by planting the flowers in this list.


Adobe Stock Janice allens hummingbird red salvia flowersPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Jancie.

If you're looking for a show-stopping flower that also attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees, Saliva is a great option. You'll find Salvia in a variety of colors, but red seems to be most attractive to pollinators. It is part of the mint family and is used as an herb for a variety of things. This flower is drought-tolerant and very hardy.

Trumpet Vine

Adobe Stock ArmadilloGrafix hummingbird on red trumpet flowerPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Armadillo Grafix.

Campsis radicans, or Trumpet Vine, produces a bright red-orange flower that hummingbirds love. This plant grows quickly and can get vines as long as 30 feet in just one year! You'll want to keep these pruned back so they don't grow over other areas of your garden. They can work very well for covering an arbor or gazebo, especially if you want something to fill in quickly. Over several years, the stems will get quite thick and woody.

Red Columbine

Adobe Stock Brian Lasenby ruby throated hummingbird feeding on wild columbine flower redPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Brian Lasenby.

Columbine gets its name from the Latin word for Dove. While it doesn't attract doves, it will attract a lot of hummingbirds to your yard. These beautiful flowers generally bloom in the spring. Red Columbine seems to be the favorite color for hummingbirds, but these flowers cross-pollinate so often that many new colors and species are formed. You may start with one color and have more variety over the next few years.

Bee Balm

Adobe Stock Haseg77 rufous hummingbird drinking nectar from a bee balm plantPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Haseg77.

Bee Balm flowers are colorful and produce a lot of nectar which means they're popular with hummingbirds and other nectar-loving birds. The flowers tend to bloom in mid-to-late summer, so be sure to pair this plant with flowers that bloom earlier in the year to attract as many birds as possible throughout the year. You'll also find that these flowers (as the name indicated) also attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.


Adobe Stock William scarlet tanager bird on sunflower yellowPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / William.

It's no surprise that Sunflowers, with their large seeds, will attract a variety of birds to your garden. The native and giant varieties are particularly attractive to seed-eating birds. You're likely to see Finches, Sparrows, Chickadees, and even some species of Woodpeckers. These bright flowers will keep you and the birds happy in your garden.

Cardinal Flower

Adobe Stock Fidencio ruby throated hummingbird with red cardinal flowerPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Fidencio.

The bright red flowers of Lobelia cardinalis, or Cardinal Flower, are extremely attractive to hummingbirds. These flowers are quite delicate and can be toxic to mammals, so be sure to handle them with care and keep them away from your pets. This flower tends to grow best in climates with a lot of rain and humidity. The nickname "Cardinal Flower" is a reference to Roman Catholic cardinals who traditionally wear red clothing.

Coral Honeysuckle

Adobe Stock KQ Ferris coral honeysuckle red pink flower ruby throated hummingbirdPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / KQ Ferris.

Another great flower to attract hummingbirds is Lonicera sempervirens, or Coral Honeysuckle. This vining plant has long tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies alike. You might try growing this plant along an arbor as the vines can get quite long and provide excellent shade. Honeysuckle does best when grown in a sunny location and watered frequently.


Adobe Stock Daniel G Haas coneflower purple yellow american goldfinchPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Daniel G Haas.

Echinacea is a very popular flower in drought-tolerant gardens. The bright pink cone-shaped flowers attract pollinators as well as birds such as Goldfinches, Sparrows, and Buntings. These flowers love growing in full sun and are very low maintenance once established. The seeds and nectar keep birds, butterflies, and bees happy and fed throughout the summer.

Butterfly Bush

Adobe Stock Birdiegal butterfly bush purple flower rufous hummingbirdPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Birdie Gal.

As you may have guessed from the name, Buddleja davidii or Butterfly Bush, not only attracts butterflies, but also hummingbirds and bees to your garden. Unlike others on this list, Butterfly Bush is a deciduous shrub that produces flowers in late summer and early fall. The flowers are very fragrant and colorful, a sharp contrast to the rest of the plant's foliage.

Red Hot Poker

Adobe Stock PerErik sugarbird red hot poker flowerPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / PerErik.

This attractive flower is like a magnet for hummingbirds. Its bright, torch-like flower spikes are full of nectar. While Red Hot Poker can tolerate heat and dry climates, it won't do well in areas with lots of snow in the winter. Deadheading (cutting off) the flowers will encourage the plant to produce even more.

12 Popular Plants to Absolutely Avoid Growing In Your Garden

Unlimphotos Matiunina flowering blooming wisteria purple flowers close upPin
Photo Credit: Unlimphotos / Matiunina.

While gardening can be fun, make sure you avoid the plants on this list unless you want a headache. Some plants can become quite invasive, and others have roots that can destroy the foundation of your house or break up sidewalks. Keep these plants out of your garden, and you're on your way to a more pleasant and low-maintenance gardening experience.

Gorgeous, Self-Seeding Flowers You'll Only Have to Plant Once

Adobe Stock Andreas borage borago purple blue flower close upPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Andreas.

Growing flowers from seeds is an inexpensive and great way to grow annuals (plants that only live for one year). However, just because you plant them once doesn't mean you'll have to re-plant them each. Some plants self-seed quite easily and will come back year after year with very little effort on your part. Many of these flowers also attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, to your garden.

The Worst Gardening Mistakes Beginners Make Regularly

Aobe Stock Pressmaster woman holding vegetables in greenhousePin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Pressmaster.

Gardening is a lot of fun but can also be quite overwhelming if you're just starting out. Naturally, new gardeners often learn from what they see more experienced growers doing. Sometimes this can lead to mistakes as beginners don't have the same knowledge and experience. These mistakes can be avoidable, but you have to know what to look for.

9 Easiest Vegetables to Start Growing in Your Garden

Adobe Stock Mimage Photos gardener gloves holding carrotsPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Mimage.

What could be more fun than harvesting your own vegetables throughout the summer? If you're ready to have fresh produce from your own garden, these vegetables are great to start with. Not only are they easy to grow, but they're popular options that you'll love eating raw or cooked in a delicious meal.

Butterflies Can't Resist These Flowering Plants

Adobe Stock Margaret Burlingham swallowtail butterfly on marsh milkweed plantPin
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock / Margaret Burlingham.

Watching butterflies around your garden is a great way to relax and unwind. Encouraging these beautiful insects to come into your yard is as simple as growing plants they're attracted to. While nearly any flowering plant will bring butterflies into your garden, the plants in this list are tried-and-true butterfly favorites.

This article originally appeared on Succulents and Sunshine.